
Other nucleated bloodGranulocyteLymphoidCardiomyocyteStriatedmyocyteSmoothmyocyteEpithelialEndothelialStemPericyteGermBrownadipocyteWhiteadipocyteNeuronGlialFibroblastOsteoid

7.20e+12 cells


Erythrocytes 0.112Platelets 0.000613Reticulocytes 0.00391Basophilic Normoblasts 0.000695Megakaryocytes; Stage I 0.00000478Megakaryocytes; Stage II 0.0000291Megakaryocytes; Stage III 0.000309Megakaryocytes; Stage IV 0.0001Orthochromatic Normoblasts 0.000309Polychromatophilic Normoblasts 0.00652Pronormoblast; Bone Marrow 0.000313Monocytes 0.0000243Red Pulp Macrophages 0.00126White Pulp Macrophages 0.000109Kupffer 0.00826Dermal Macrophages 0.0012Langerhans 0.00109Dendritic Cells 0.00203Macrophages; Alveolar 0.0033Osteoclasts 0.00248Monocytes; marginating 0.0000626Hyalocytes 8.69e-8Macrophages 0.0212Microglial 0.000289Monocytes; tissue resident 0.000294Eosinophils, circulating 0.0000183Neutrophils; Circulating 0.000317Neutrophils; marginating or tissue 0.00174Neutrophils; marginating 0.000322Band Eosinophil 0.000187Band Neutrophil 0.00365Metamyelocyte; Eosinophil 0.000313Metamyelocyte; Neutrophil 0.00282Myeloblasts 0.000326Myelocyte; Eosinophil 0.000365Myelocyte; Neutrophil 0.00352Neutrophil; Marrow Storage 0.00187Promyelocyte 0.00235Basophils 0.0000264Eosinophils; tissue resident 0.00186Mast 0.00329Neutrophils; Tissue 0.00000152Lymphocyte T; gamma delta & NK-T 0.000765Thymocyte 0.000465Lymphocyte NKT 0.0000322Lymphocyte T; gamma delta 0.0000769Pit Cell 0.0000287NK Lymphocytes 0.000158Plasma Cells 0.00402Lymphocyte T; Mixed 0.00587Lymphocyte B 0.00273Lymphocyte T; Cytotoxic 0.00033Lymphocyte T; Helper 0.000116Cardiomyocytes 0.00695Atrioventricular Node P-Cell; Ovid 5.65e-8Atrioventricular Node Rod Cell 1.13e-7Bundle Of His 2.39e-7Heart Purkinje Fiber 0.0000478Sinoatrial Node P-Cell 1.48e-7Sinoatrial Node Transitional Cell 0.00000135Head and Throat Striated 0.0126Splenic Capsule SMC 0.0000217Splenic Trabeculae SMC 0.0000826Vascular Myocytes 0.00791Gall Bladder SMC 0.000122Gastro-Intestinal SMC 0.00934Lower Esophageal Sphincter SMC 0.000174Pancreatic Duct SMC 0.000156Thoracoabdominal Esophageal SMC 0.000652Hair Follicle Piloerector SMC 0.00000365Trachealis Myocytes 0.000113Choroidal Layer Myocytes 0.00000361Dilator Myocytes 6.08e-8Sphincter; Ciliary Body SMC 0.00000695Sphincter; Iris SMC 4.35e-7Capsule Inferior Layer SMC 0.0000739Detrusor Myocytes 0.00117Ductuli Efferentes Peritubular SMC 0.00000113Epididymis Peritubular SMC 0.0000122Papillary Duct, Calyx, & Pelvis SMC 0.000013Fibromuscular Cell 0.000187Testes Peritubular SMC 0.000278Vas Deferens Peritubular SMC 0.0000391Myoepithelial cells; Duct (MyoEpC) 0.000183Myoepithelial cells; Stellate (MyoEpC) 0.00001Cortical Thymic EpC 0.0000235Medullary Thymic EpC 0.0000648Subcapsular-Perivascular EpC 0.0000117Mesothelial Serous EpC 0.000107Acinar; Pancreatic EpC 0.0016Biliary Duct Lining EpC 0.00000478Cholangiocytes 0.000216Colonocytes; Crypt 0.00113Colonocytes; Surface 0.000174Enterochromaffin-Like Cell 0.000003Enterochromaffin Cell; Serotonin 0.0000373Enterocytes; Crypt EpC 0.0023Enterocytes; Villa EpC 0.00826Enteroendocrine Cell 0.00000913Esophageal Basal Mucosa-EpC 0.00000695Esophageal Mucosa EpC 0.0000521Gall Bladder Lining EpC 0.0000109Gastric Antrum G-Cell 0.00000126Gastric Chief Cell 0.000148Gastric D-Cell 0.00000291Gastric Oxyntic Gland Neck Cell 0.000104Gastric P/D1-Cell 0.00000408Gastric Parietal Cell 0.000269Gastric Surface Mucosa EpC 0.00028Hepatocytes 0.0382Intestinal D-Cell 0.00000721Intestinal I-Cell 0.000013Intestinal K-Cell 0.0000124Intestinal L-Cell 0.0000309Intestinal M-Cell 0.001Intestinal Tuft Cell 0.000083Pancreatic Duct Centroacinar EpC 0.0000739Pancreatic Duct Lining Intercal. EpC 0.0002Pancreatic Duct Lining Interlob.-EpC 0.000361Pancreatic Duct Lining Intralob. EpC 0.000252Pancreatic Enteroendocrine D-Cell 0.00000439Pancreatic epsilon cell 4.31e-7Pancreatic gamma cell 0.00000162Pancreatic Islet Alpha Cell 0.0000166Pancreatic Islet beta cell 0.0000433Small Intestine Paneth Cell 0.000565Small Intestine Transit-Amplifying EpC 0.00109Eccrine Gland Duct Basal EpC 0.0011Eccrine Gland Duct Suprabasal EpC 0.0011Eccrine Gland Secretary Clear Cell 0.0011Eccrine Gland Secretary Dark Cell 0.0011Epidermal Basal Keratinocytes 0.000608Epidermal Keratinocytes 0.00313Hair Follicle Companion Layer EpC 0.000348Hair Follicle Cuticle Trichocytes 0.000348Hair Follicle Matrix Epidermal Cell 0.000535Henle Layer Trichocytes 0.000348Huxley Layer Trichocytes 0.000695Merkel Cell 0.0000565Outer Root Sheath Basal Keratinocyte 0.000304Outer Root Sheath Keratinocytes 0.00126Pacinian Corpuscle Lamellar Cell 0.0001Sebocytes 0.00139Adrenal Zona Fasciculata Cortisol 0.000248Adrenal Zona Glomerulosa Aldost. 0.0000478Adrenal Zona Reticularis Androgens 0.0000226Perineural EpC 0.00000652Thyrocytes; Thyroxin Secrt. 0.000365Thyroid Parafollicular Clear Cell 1.96e-7Alveolar Type 1 Pneumocyte 0.00152Alveolar Type 2 Pneumocyte 0.00126Bronchi Cells, Indeterminate 0.000135Bronchiole Clara Cell 0.0000422Bronchioles Cells, Indeterminate 0.0000161Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Cell 0.00000304Respiratory Ciliated EpC 0.000416Respiratory Serous Acinar EpC 0.0000269Goblet-EpC 0.00172Acinar Cells; Lacrimal Serous EpC 0.0000395Anterior Lens EpC 1.09e-7Ciliary Non-Pigmented EpC 0.00000652Ciliary Pigment EpC 6.95e-7Conjunctive EpC 0.00000826Cornea Basal EpC 2.69e-7Corneal EpC 3.43e-7Hair Cell; Type I; Vestibular 5.65e-9Hair Cell; Type II; Vestibular 2.52e-9Inner Hair Cell; Cochlear 2.22e-9Iridal Pigment EpC 1.22e-7Outer Hair Cell; Cochlear 2.87e-9Salivary Excretory Duct EpC 0.0000491Salivary Intercalated Duct EpC 0.000204Salivary Mucous Acinar EpC 0.000435Salivary Seromucous Acinar EpC 0.00126Salivary Striated Duct EpC 0.000239Stratified Squamous Mucosal EpC 0.000188Type I Taste Receptor, Dark Cell 1.3e-8Type II Taste Receptor, Light Cell 4.78e-9Type III Taste Receptor, Intermed. Cell 1.52e-9Acinar; Prostate EpC 0.0000304Ascending Thin Loop of Henle EpC 0.0000113Collecting Tubule Intercalated 0.0000552Collecting Tubule Principal Cell 0.00163Connecting Tubule Cell 0.000312Cortical Collecting Duct Intercal. A Cell 0.0000187Cortical Collecting Duct Intercal. B Cell 0.0000209Cortical Collecting Principal Cell 0.0000869Descending Thin Loop of Henle EpC 0.0000495Distal Convoluted Tubule EpC 0.000135Ductuli Efferentes Ciliated EpC 3.65e-7Ductuli Efferentes Non-Ciliated EpC 0.00000143Epididymal Principal Ciliated EpC 0.0000265Glomerular Parietal EpC 0.0000369Glomerular Podocytes 0.0000739Juxtaglomerular Cell 0.00000191Macula Densa Cell 0.00000435Neuroendocrine Cell 5.21e-8Prostate Basal EpC 0.0000239Prostate Duct Clara Cell 0.00000826Prostate Duct Hillock Cell 0.0000304Proximal Tubule EpC 0.00435Sertoli Cells; Testes 0.0000869Thick Ascending Loop of Henle EpC 0.00139Urothelium Transitional EpC 0.0000939Urothelium Transitional Basal EpC 0.00000143Vas Deferens Principal EpC 0.00000278Epidermal Corneocytes 0.000356Trichocyte Hair Shaft Cortex 0.000826Trichocyte Hair Shaft Cuticle 0.0000608Crystallin Lens Fiber Cell 0.0000159Lacrimal Ductal cells 0.00000478Luminal Ductal Cells ER+ (EpC) 4.43e-7Luminal Ductal Cells ER- (EpC) 6.04e-7Capillary EnC-f; HEVs 0.0000869Endocardium EnC 0.00000274Capillary EnC-f-Sinusoidal 0.00134Capillary EnC-fd 0.0001Capillary EnC-fd-Sinusoidal 0.00000913Corneal EnC 5.65e-8Capillary EnC-f 0.000311Capillary EnC 0.00939Capillary EnC-L 0.00252Tanycytes 2.32e-7Interstitial Cell of Cajal; GIT 0.00000169Interstitial Cell of Cajal; Pancreas 0.0000152Interstitial Cell of Cajal; Bladder 0.00000152Supra Adventitial-Adipose Stromal 0.000565Olfactory Receptor Neuron Basal 7.39e-8Bone Marrow Stromal 3.17e-8CAR Reticular 0.000652CAR/LepR+ 0.0000139Dental Pulp Stem Cell 1.04e-9Hematopoietic Stem Cell 0.000461Mesenchymal Stem Cell 0.0000322Osteoprogenitor 0.0000422Pluripotent Hematopoietic; Marrow 2.78e-7Telocyte 0.000194Interstitial Cell of Cajal; Kidney 2.96e-8Leydig Cell 0.0000521A-Spermatogonial stem; KIT-; KI67- 0.0000174A-Spermatogonial stem; KIT-; KI67+ 9.13e-7Crypt Stem Cell 0.00001Basal Stem Cell; Epidermal 0.00001Hair Follicle Papillary Stem Cell 0.0000565Basal EpC; Respiratory Tract 0.000126Cornea Basal Stem Cell 9.56e-9Type IV Basal Taste Receptors 1.39e-9Basal Stem Cell; Prostate 6.08e-7Epididymal Basal EpC 0.00000265Urothelium Transitional Basal Stem 0.00000565Vas Deferens Basal EpC 2.69e-7Double Negative; podopl./CD31 0.0000239Pericapillary Sheath Cells; CD271+ 0.0000222Ito Cell 0.00178Pericytes 0.00119Extraglomerular Mesangial Cells 0.00000113Intraglomerular Mesangial Cells 0.0000435B-Spermatogonial stem; KIT+; KI67- 0.00000478B-Spermatogonial stem; KIT+; KI67+ 0.00000608Spermatids; Haploid 0.0000687Spermatocyte; Primary; Diploid 0.000309Spermatocyte; Secondary; Haploid 0.00000565Spermatozoa; Haploid 0.00000104Brown Adipocyte 0.033White Adipocyte; subcutaneuous 0.282White Adipocyte; visceral 0.118White Adipocyte; yellow bone-marrow 0.0943White Adipocyte; interstitial 0.0369Dogiel Type I Motor 0.0000165Dogiel Type I Secretomotor 0.0000695Dogiel Type II Sensory 0.0000296Myelinated Enteric Interneurons 0.00000826Myelinated Neuron 0.0000865A-alpha Myelinated Motor 0.0000834A-beta Myelinated Motor 0.0000214A-gamma Myelinated Motor 0.0000177B Preganglionic Myelinated Motor 2.16e-7Basket Interneurons 0.000135Betz; Descending Motor 0.000147C Postganglionic Motor; Adrenergic 0.0000517Globular Lugaro Interneurons 0.00000243Golgi Interneurons 0.0000174Granule Neurons 0.00183Interneurons; Cerebral Cortex 0.000565Interneurons; Inhibitory 0.0000121Lugaro Interneurons 0.0000023Magnocellular Non-Vasopressin 7.69e-7Magnocellular Vasopressin 2.36e-7Molecular Layer Interneurons 0.0000343Motor; Efferent 1.22e-8Myelinated Cochlear Sensory 1.69e-7Myelinated Motor 0.0000103Myelinated Motor; Preganglionic 9.34e-7Myelinated Sensory 0.00000272Myelinated Vestibular Sensory 1.78e-7Neurons; Generic 0.00227Olfactory Bulb External Tufted 2e-8Olfactory Bulb Granule 3.09e-7Olfactory Bulb Internal Tufted 7.39e-8Olfactory Bulb Middle Tufted 6.08e-8Olfactory Bulb Mitral 5.65e-8Olfactory Bulb Periglomerular 6.08e-8Olfactory Bulb Superficial Short-Axon 1.17e-8Olfactory Receptor Neuron 0.00000117Preganglionic Unmyelinated Motor 1.9e-7Purkinje Neuron 0.0000913Pyramidal; Cerebral Cortex 0.0257Pyramidal; Corpus Callosum 0.000343Pyramidal; Descending Motor 0.000043Retinal Ganglion Cells; RGCs 0.00000435Sensory Neuron 1.61e-7Stellate Interneuron 0.000117Type Ia Ib; A-alpha; Sensory 0.000149Type II; A-beta & gamma; Sensory 0.000339Type III; A-delta Sensory 0.0000643Type IV; C; Sensory 0.0000239Unmyelinated Sensory 0.0000011C Postganglionic Motor; Cholinergic 0.0000042Amacrine Cell; Retina 9.13e-7Bipolar Cell; Retina 0.00000222Cone; L Photoreceptors 9.13e-8Cone; M Photoreceptors 4.35e-8Cone; S Photoreceptors 6.95e-9Horizontal Cells; Retina 5.65e-7Rod Photoreceptor 0.00000261Enteric Glial 0.0000565Melanocytes 0.000552Pacinian Corpuscle Glial 1.22e-7Bergmann Glial 0.000113Choroidal Plexus EpC 0.0000282Chromaffin Cell; Epinephrine 0.0000282Chromaffin Cell; Norepinephrine 0.00000695Ependymocytes 0.0000105Glial Cells 0.00257Granule Layer Glial 0.0004Molecular Layer Glial 0.000309Olfactory Ensheathing Cell 0.0000013Oligodendrocytes 0.00587Remak Schwann Cell 0.000305Satellite Glial 6.48e-7Schwann Cell 0.00096Choroidal Melanocyte 6.95e-7Ciliary Melanocyte; Eyes 3.43e-7Iridal Melanocyte 7.39e-9Muller Cell; Radial Glia; Retina 0.00000104Retinal Pigment EpC 0.00000139Astrocytes 0.00526Capsular Fibroblasts 2.96e-7Cardiofibroblast 0.00187Fibrocytes; Blood 0.00000282Lymph Capsule Reticular 0.000196Marginal Reticular 0.0000243Splenic Reticular 0.0000204T-Cell Zone Reticular 0.000291Myofibroblasts 0.00286Adipose-Derived Stromal 0.0043Dermal Reticular 0.000782Fibrocartilage Chondrocytes 0.0000404Marrow Reticular 0.000565Nucleus Pulposus 0.0000222Tenocytes 0.00109Elastic Cartilage Chondrocytes 0.00003Keratocytes; Corneal Fibroblasts 4.35e-8Sclera Fibroblasts 2.43e-7Fibroblasts 0.017Hyaline Cartilage Chondrocytes 0.00106Bone Lining Cells 0.00166Cementocytes 1.56e-7Odontoblasts & Odontocyte 0.0000109Osteoblasts 0.00126Osteocytes 0.00162Subodontoblasts 0.00000322Non-nucleatedbloodOther nucleated bloodGranulocyteLymphoidCardiomyocyteStriatedmyocyteSmoothmyocyteEpithelialEndothelialStemPericyteGermBrownadipocyteWhiteadipocyteNeuronGlialFibroblastOsteoid

2.30e+1 kg

Organ systems

Circulatory & respiratory

Circulatory & respiratory







Skin, skeleton & connective

Skin, skeleton & connective

Nervous & endocrine

Nervous & endocrine

Tissues of the head

Tissues of the head



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